Monday, September 19, 2011

Cumpleaños feliz...

Today, someone pooped on me.

I forgive her, my year-old niece.  I have to say that until today, I'd never even seen baby poop period.  Much less on my leg.  And perhaps it was my fault given that not moments before she dropped a big one on my thigh I had been tossing her up into the air.  She just giggles so beautifully that I had to keep doing it...five, six times and then the moment I sat her on my lap, splat.

Recovery may take a while, but the prognosis is good.  It was a character building experience at the very least.  And I didn't throw her on the ground when it happened, so at least we know that I'm not as bad with kids as I thought.

Today was the birthday party for my and sister, they had a combined 1st and 4th birthday party respectively.  It was kind of interesting to see the mash up of 1 year-old boy themes and Disney princesses, but I got ice cream by attending so I was a very happy Lily.

I've been to a couple of kid's birthdays and so far they're all pretty much the same.  I am not a young teenager who came to do crowd control.  I am not a mother or an aunt who brought a child to the party.  I am not a child invitee.  I'm basically invited because people don't want me to feel left out, I guess.  So what kind of role does that give me at one of these shindigs?  Maybe...Oh, I dunno, maybe I can claim fairy godmother or something.  Yeah, fairy godmothers all hang around the edge of the part, hugging walls and wondering what type of ice cream is being served.  Oh, and judging dance competitions amongst the children attending.  That's always fun because no kid EVER feels cheated during a contest in which the winnings are based purely on an unquantifiable ‘good’ and the completely subjective eye of the judge.

Also, I know intellectually that the concept of a piñata is vicious.  But actually seeing it is terrifying.  Not only that, but some of the adults get into it and I just try not to watch.  Only a lot of times I’m the only person that people trust to give their camera to at a party, and everyone wants photos of the piñata event.  It’s like what the Discovery Channel videographers must feel like when they capture a lion mauling a wildebeest.

The party ended and everything went back to normal, but it did kind of emphasize yet again that sometimes I still feel like an anomaly.  But at least I’m getting invited to things, so I can’t really complain.

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