Friday, November 4, 2011

Things are better... things are now beginning to look up from my last post.  Actually, I cooled down and deleted the last one because I would rather never be reminded of last Friday night ever again.  Needless to say I found a way to handle my frustration (I started running in an ungainly fashion) and things started looking up.

So what's next on the agenda?  Well.  My trip home is awfully real right now.  In t-ten days I'll leave site to go stay with my boyfriend's sister's family in San José for the night.  I was thinking I'd get my flue shot then, but the office as it turns out won't be open so it's just turning into a social visit.  Then I'll go to Liberia the next day, spend the night, and fly home the following afternoon.  Ain't vacation grand?

In the meantime, tomorrow I'm going to visit friends Chris and Steph in their community.  From there we will depart to a somewhat abandoned beach to spend the day.  I'll spend the night, come home and Friday night is movie night in my town!  I suggested that the dance group do a fundraiser with a movie night and wouldn't you know...people thought it was a good idea.  Saturday is, again, dance practice with the little kids.  Next Wednesday I'm going to a meeting with some members of my PTA (more or less) to San José where we will be attending a meeting with the Omar Dengo Foundation to see if we can get some computers for the school.  My strategy is to chat up the PTA the whooooole time about building a new school.  Ours is literally falling apart as a result of having been built in the early 1940s.  We'll probably need better facilities anyway as a requisite for receiving free computers from the foundation.  So hopefully the abstract, ''Can I come to a PTA meeting sometime?'' will turn into, ''So when are we meeting to discuss building a new school?''  Those questions seem similar.  The latter definitely means that I'm getting some sort of returned interest on behalf of the PTA.

I've been trying to teach Genesis, my goddaughter, words in English.  The first word I chose is part of her favorite TV jingle for laundry detergent.  Unfortunately, ''bubble'' when spoken by Genesis sounds a lot like, ''papú'' which my family says means whore (''puta'') in Costa Rica.  So then after a lot of laughing which Genesis probably takes to mean encouragement to say papú more, I tried teaching her the word ''cookie''.  Well.  Every time I say cookie, she just looks around for Doky, my dog.  They sound a lot alike to me, too.  I did not give up, though, and I've started introducing the word, ''Bye-bye!'' whenever I walk away from her.  But she thinks I'm saying ''bubble'' and says ''papú'' with the absolute conviction that only an innocent one year-old can evince.

Speaking of Doky (what I really wanted to write was, ''Speaking of whores...''), the puppy is doing okay.  His head reaches a little bit higher than my mid-calf and I don't think he's going to get much bigger.  He's already way bigger than his mom, but I've told him that if he does decide to grow more that he's not coming back with me to the U.S.  I have no idea how to carry two suitcases and a dog his size, much less if he does get bigger.  We'll see.  He's a sweetie.  Just now getting into the stage where I can see him decide, ''Whoa!  This petting and scratching thing is GREAT!  I'm going to stop chewing people who are obviously trying to do this to me.''  So hands are now safe to put near my dog.  Still, I'd watch your flip flops.

The weather has turned and there's very little rain now.  I think this is the trend until next May.  It's super hot during the day but it cools off by nighttime.  4:30pm is perfect running weather - I'm not a runner in the classic athletic sense, but there is something about 80 degrees with a breeze that makes me want to be outside.  I got some other girls in town to ''run'' with me.  They walk.  I run.  When I can't run anymore, I double back walking and meet up with them until I feel like running again.  It turns the two kilometers between Las Pozas and San Vicente into a little bit more distance that way (not really, but you get it).

In other news, I'm watching Rango for the first time and...well...the only real merit is hearing Johnny Depp play a lizard.  But they even type-casted him for this one, too.  I will say this, favorite quote is when our lizard hero is down-and-out, nearly dead, talking to a mirage of the iconic Hollywood cowboy hero.
''Is this Heaven?''
''No.  If it were, we'd be eating PopTarts with Kim Novak.''

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