Thursday, February 17, 2011

Counting Down...

So the countdown really begins.  I spent a wonderful, 3rd annual Valentine's Day weekend with my girlfriends and then the rest of the week visiting with different ex-roommates.  It was awesome to catch up with them and relive the best memories - and make jokes about the worst memories.  Somehow now that I'm leaving there are a lot of things in retrospect that take on a different sheen to them when they play out for the zillionth time in my head.  They're prettier, and I feel nostalgia more than anything else when they take me over.  I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing yet.  On one hand it would make me romanticize home while I'm away which could turn into a debilitating bout of homesickness.  On the other, it makes me happy to think that my life the last couple of years might have only ever had trivial pains, but mostly pleasures.  And anyway, if I looked at my life more objectively than I usually do, the latter may very well be true.

So the nostalgia's okay by me, but I'll keep an eye on it I guess.

But what the heck, right?  Nostalgia and I haven't even left yet.  Now that things are really wrapping up I feel a little bit like I'm lingering.  Like this is maybe the longest goodbye in the history of goodbyes.  But what I guess I'm getting at is that with all the shiny memories (half-true, but nice) and my friends here (more real than anything)'s really difficult to leave this time.

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